Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Black Molasses..touch my skin in envy...it shines like a the Diamonds of Sierra Leone...like the body of a Mandolin in the midst of a heavy blues session..like the night sky on a Nepal Sunday night..I smell of decadent amaryllis fields swaying on an April afternoon...Black Molasses..so thick is the curveture of my silouette's hips dancing fierce..If you kissed me the addiction is so heavy you'll rise out of your seat and confess your darkest secrets...Notice my shoulders arched high as the rising tides of Moses...Black Molasses...finger printed in an African womb...Created in the privacy of sweetness..Black Molasses dancing between your your thighs enlightening your mind and enhancing your cries..Black Molasses youve never tasted succulancy like this....Black Molasses youve never grabbed hold of a divine purpose to wake up to you smiling..Black Molasses...Taste Me...Love me..Feel Me...Be Me...